Seafood soup. Here is a rich soup of shellfish that is somewhat entertaining to prepare but gives a very good result.
This soup of shellfish carries nothing fish (that leave it for another day that we'll see the soup of shellfish and fish) and what if it takes is a bit of bread to thicken the broth. To my I love to take the soup with a bit of rice, but can also add some noodles or leave it as is. Would you like? For the kitchen!
Ingredients to make seafood soup (for 4 people):
1 litre of agua100 ml oliva50 oil brandy1 ml kilo of mussels frescos1/2 kilo of clams frescas1/2 kilo of prawns frescas1/2 kilo of tomatoes maduros1 large (of about 300 grams) onion 2 cloves of ajo1 sprig of perejil1 bread of some 40 gramos1 sal1 teaspoon spoon small with paprika (I) (I used paprika de La Vera) black pepperRecipe to make seafood soup (for four people):
Wash the clams well and put them to soak in salt water half an hour. As we later filtraremos the broth of the cooking you do not need too much time to soak.Wash the mussels under a stream of water from the tap. Remove the beards.You peel the prawns and lacking in a casserole the shells and the heads of shrimp. Put the prawns in a bowl and guard in the refrigerator.Add 4 tablespoons of oil to the Pan where are the shells and warheads. Add half teaspoon of salt and place over medium heat.Will pick when the shells are well browned (up a beautiful reddish) add the brandy and left to fire a couple of minutes.Then with a saucepan crushed heads to loose juice and then add water at room temperature and cover the pan. Deja to fire half 20 minutes.This past time strain the broth in another pot with a sieve fine and throw shells and warheads.Put back to fire the stock just sneak, adds the well drained clams and mussels. Cover the Pan and let fire half 10 minutes.Then with a skimmer takes the mussels and clams. Remove shells and throw them. Book the meat of the mussels and clams. And let the broth over very low heat.Now we start with the sauce of our seafood soup. We have to have prepared garlic cut sliced, diced onion and tomato, skinned and chopped into very fine pieces.In a frying pan put the remaining oil (6 tablespoons) and adds a few you prawns which we had reserved (about ten prawns). Skips for a little while until they get colour and then pulls out a dish these prawns and reserve them.Now Add the cloves of garlic and the piece of bread. Leave the garlic to take something of color over medium heat, but not to burn. Give some back to the bread to make it crisp from all its sides.When the garlic has taken color removed bread and reserved with the prawns we sautéed.Add the garlic onion and half teaspoon of salt. Leaves over medium heat to be poached onion (i.e. which becomes soft and translucent tiles). When the onion is well poached depart the Pan from the fire and expected some 15 seconds (to lower the temperature). Add the paprika and stir well.He returned to heat and adds well chopped tomato. Fire leaves average about 10 minutes.Now we put in the glass of a blender the piece of bread and sautéed prawns we have reserved. Take above fried and adds also 4 mussels which we had reserved and two buckets of the stock we have prepared.Blend well until that is a good fine cream.It incorporates the cream to the broth and mix well. Deja to fire average about 10 minutes so that the bread frothy and fattening the soup.Then Add the clams and mussels that we have reserved and the peeled prawns we have in the fridge.Leave 10 minutes, add a pinch of freshly ground black pepper and salt test. Add a little more than salt if you need it and go. Out of the kitchen and eat!
To eat:
Of course while prepares the stock you can go ahead part of fried. I have not put it this in the recipe as we should expect to get out the mussels to add to the sauce it is better to go for parties so that no one bundle.
As you can see the recipe is for four people (and not two as often the recipes of the blog). The reason is that it is a pity to prepare this soup that takes a bit of processing to take advantage of only two dishes. I do is to serve for two and the rest freeze. Other single day I have to defrost and ready to take (almost not noticeable that the soup has gone through the freezer).
As I said at the beginning of the recipe to my seafood soup I love rice. If your would like also to take it with rice adds a handful of short-grain rice (about 40 grams) per person. The best time to add the rice is just at the end of the 16 step. That Yes, if you are going to freeze part of the soup is best to not add rice (not preserved well frozen).
I hope that you like the recipe and enjoy at the table with this dish. Soon we will have more recipes. A greeting from chefs and cooks.