
Vanilla sponge cake

Vanilla sponge cake. Long a non public a sweet recipe and that is why today I bring this biscuit in vanilla that is prepared very quickly and without just getting dirty pots.

In addition to this recipe, you can use to prepare a rich cake with these vanilla milkshakes that you have in the fridge and are about to expire

Ingredients to make (for 2 persons):

200 grams of butter without sal400 grams of flour of wheat (normal) 400 ml of vainilla400 shake azúcar1 gram sachet of avainillada (8 grams) sugar 2 eggs grandes1 sachet of baking (1 sachet of yeast Royal are 16 grams)

Recipe to make (for two people):

It melts the butter (in the microwave or in a saucepan), let it cool a little.In a large bowl beat the two eggs, then added butter (lukewarm or cold but not hot) and mix well with a few rods.Then Add the vanilla shake and mix with the rods. If you just get out of the refrigerator the vanilla milkshake is best to warm it a bit (at room temperature is ideal) that is not too cold and thus avoid butter solidifies.Now Add all the sugar (the normal and the vanilla) and mix with the rods. If you do not have sugar Vanilla Add a teaspoon of aroma of vanilla (looks to be edible).It is time to put the oven to heat to 180 ° C up and down.In a bowl large enough to contain all the mixture put soft flour. Add the baking powder and mix well with a fork so that the yeast is shared by all the flour.Now is adding the liquid mixture (the milkshake, eggs, butter and sugar) to flour and sees mixing with a few rods (if electric better) until that the mixture is homogeneous (well mixed).You just need to pour the mixture into the mould and bake. You have two options when it comes to pour into the mold. If you use a quality silicone mold (as I did) just have to lubricate it the first time you use it but If you use another type of mould it is best not to risk and lubricate it always smearing a little butter to temperature atmosphere for all the mold to prevent sticking sponge.When you have the ready mold missing the mixture and put the mould in the oven at 180 ° C. Leaves during 60 minutes.Past this time click on the center of the cake with a stick or skewer and see if it comes out clean. If it is not missing a little more furnace, back to try again and put 10 minutes more.When is the cake well baked out of the oven, let it temple 15-20 minutes and unmold it so cool completamente.¿A what are you waiting? …..  out of the kitchen and eat!

To eat:

As you can see in the photo I used a nice mold of silicone with margarita form sent to me from Silikomart, but you can also prepare the recipe with a circular mold of 22-24 cm in diameter. In this case always ye greasing with butter mold for you sticking.

You can try other milkshakes, the chocolate is especially rich and you can also sprinkle cake with what I like most, chocolate, sugar glass noodles...

By the way, you know I always say that each oven is a world, so you must monitor sponge very well when it is in the oven (at least the first time you do it). From the 40 minute it is advisable that you take a look every 10 minute if your oven goes past force and you burned the cake

I hope that you like the recipe and enjoy at the table with this dish. Soon we will have more recipes. A greeting from chefs and cooks.